Places and non-places of contemporary art
248 pages
Bilingual: French-English
Collective work published by Les éditions Esse
Authors: Paul Ardenne, Aline Caillet, Nathalie de Blois, Marie Fraser, Luc Lévesque, Christof Migone, Alain-Martin Richard, Kathleen Ritter, Véronique Rodriguez, Stephen Wright
In what forms and places do artistic practices unfold today? No longer confined to the triad workshop, gallery, museum, artists create alternatives to the institutionalization of art by investing in non-places, or by modeling their artistic practice on other sectors of human activity such as public/private space, social and psychological territories, scientific research, politics.
This book proposes a reflection on these different places and their impact on our conception of art, on reception conditions, on the status of the author and on the role of the spectator. Several artistic approaches are considered: infiltrating practices, manoeuvres, relational and performative actions, in situ interventions. The power that art has to transform our perception of everyday situations and activities leads to convergence, an added value to coexistence.
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