Return from exhibition – Reference Bodies 2020

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Oct 18, 2024

Reference Bodies is a group show combining works by Sophia Borowska, Geneviève Feuillard, Diane Garcia Ramos, Sabrina Jolicoeur, Maggy Hamel-Metsos, Fatine Violette Sabiri, Noémie Sylvestre and Kathryn Frances Warner, alongside a selection from their personal art collections and archives.

“Reference Body adheres to an expanded vision of what a body can constitute. Bodies-human or otherwise-are ensembles dependent on time and movement; they can accumulate or lose, affect and be affected, compose and decompose.

The works presented evoke the human body through their material and tactile qualities-tattooed ceramics, imprints, weaving and sewing movements are all testimonies to the artists’ proprioception. These works are all the more revealing of the cultures, geographies, genders and social contexts unique to each body that shape them.


Photo : Sabrina Jolicoeur

Curator’s text : Amélie Pelly