Sep 25, 2019 ― Oct 27, 2019
Reminiscence is a collective exhibition on the theme of temporal vacuity. It is an invitation to question our relationship with our past, our memories and the potentialities they bring to our being.
The artists selected for this year’s group exhibition are Sophie Aubry, Anne Billy, Cassandre Boucher, Mehdi Bouzoubaa, Alexis Bulman, Sergio Clavijo, Clara Congdon, Geneviève Dagenais, Julie Dumont, Richelli Fransozo, Sébastien Gaudette, Véronique Gohier, Samuel Graveline, Hearyung Kim, Sarah F. Maloney, Gabrielle Martineau ( Art+Tech@Mtl ), Yves Roy, and Pascale Tétrault.