
Pica Magazine
Jun 9, 2021 ― Jun 13, 2021

The Livart presents “DILEMME”, an exhibition by Pica Magazine with over 30 participants.

The corpus of the PICA exhibition, under the theme of the Dilemma, is an extension of PICA Magazine. The presentation takes place in all the exhibition rooms on the ground floor of Livart for 5 days only. It is anchored, like a manifesto, in the very foundations of creation, the doubts inherent in any action to be undertaken, in a complex present and in an uncertain future.

Dilemma is more than a choice, it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to be open to all possibilities, all stories and all points of view. Dilemma is about proposing solutions by exploring the grey area, looking away from the paths that are already laid out and trying freely. It’s the opportunity to be amazing. The dilemma confronts, questions, stimulates reflection and opens discussion. It is a moment that allows you to act with conviction, despite the uncertainty. The dilemma is destabilizing, confronting, intimate and common. It is necessary.

This twelfth edition of Pica magazine is an invitation to reflect and reinvent ourselves.

The goal is not to find an absolute answer, nor to decide between two choices; rather, it is to expose oneself to the world of possibilities that lie between the two. Taming the dilemma means engaging in solution-oriented thinking. It means accepting to be challenged and to be confronted with opinions that are different from our own. It is the conciliation of antipodes and the emergence of new associations. The result can take many forms, but it will certainly be personal.

What is YOUR dilemma?

Discover Pica Magazine

Pica Magazine est une initiative étudiante de l’école de design de l’UQAM. Annuellement, cet outil de communication visuelle invite les étudiants actuels, les anciens étudiants, les professeurs de l’école de design de l’UQAM ainsi que les designers étrangers & locaux, à réfléchir à une problématique donnée & d’y répondre de façon graphique ou rédactionnelle. En privilégiant une approche novatrice & expérimentale, Pica se veut avant tout un outil de référence et une source d’inspiration en matière de design. Pica se démarque des autres publications offertes sur le marché par un contenu entièrement inédit et exclusif.